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Defense for Targeted Individuals

Being a Targeted Individual (TI) is a frightening and isolating experience. If you are being followed, watched, harassed, or threatened by a person or organization it is important to take action and protect yourself.

Our products are designed specifically to protect those who are being targeted mentally and physically by various covert techniques.

All products are manufactured in the USA and come with a one year warranty and 30 day money back guarantee.

Our Defender Products protect you from:

How do Defender Products help you?

Defender Products:

"Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies" - Albert Einstein

QuWave Products = Energy Medicine

Watch these Videos for more Information

2 July, 2022


I am feeling better in general well being and ability to handle stress more effectively. Not getting angry as easy as in the past. One day I left my QuWave Harmonizer home and noticed my stress level begin to rise at work.


What customers say about our products

Here's what our customers have to say about their experience with Quwave.

K.S. Oregon

"It is amazing. I felt burned out and the doctor said my adrenals were very low and wanted me to take drugs to build them back up. I told him I did not take drugs of any kind.”

A.P. California

"I have been taking drugs for depression. I continued to take the drugs until they ran out. Now I noticed that I was getting the same effect from my QuWave Harmonizer so I did not renew my prescriptions.”

R.O. New Jersey

"As a doctor working in an Operating room almost everyday it can become very stressful. My stress level has been reduced to almost zero. I also notice the people who work with me are operating under less stress."

Up to 100 Times More Powerful than
"Passive Products"

All Products are Guaranteed to work as described or you get unconditional full money back

All products sold with an unconditional 30 day 100% full money-back guarantee. If you do not like the product for any reason, simply return it within 30 days for a full refund (customer pays shipping).

All products carry a one year manufacturer's warranty with available 5 year extended warranty.